Orders will always be shipped as soon as possible. Since all editions are carefully packed after your order is placed, you usually receive the parcel tracking number within a few business days.
Handcrafted custom-made artist frames (museum quality) are made manually, at a small scale, are stamped by Capitana F, and take their time. Although we usually have a stock, we might have to manufacture what you ordered specifically and shipping might be delayed. If this is the case, we shall contact you and inform you about the situation as soon as we can.
Free of shipping costs in Austria; shipping by standard Austrian parcel post (not express courier).
EU – European Union – shipping by standard Austrian parcel post (not express courier).
San Marino / Monaco – shipping by standard Austrian parcel post (not express courier).
Enquiry for worldwide shipping, please send message via contact. Worldwide shipping outside the EU – including customs declaration – with DHL express. Depending on the country, customs fees may apply which the recipient must pay.
If you have any doubts about shipping, please contact me.